I swear, Austin was just having a conversation with the cat in the other room.
We have a cat, Connery, who is an extremely vocal cat. You can talk to him and he just meows back to you. Austin loves to pretend to have conversations with him. I don't know what this says about me, maybe I'm not that great of a conversationalist.
Either way, it's hilarious. Let me tell you how the conversation went... (Connery's comments are in italics. I'm inferring what Con said from Austins responses.)
Con! We missed you today. Did you watch the game?
No, you didn't leave the tv on for me!
Oh! I'm sorry, Katie must have forgotten to leave it on.
Well how did the game go?
We won, the team looked really well coached.
Who played well?
Stitt had a great game...
What about Narcisse?
Con, Narcisse sucks. He's awful, don't you ever ask about him because it's always bad.
I really like him, he reminds me of Sam Perry. I really liked Sam Perry.
Don't you ever talk to me about Narcisse again. This conversation is over.
At this point Connery comes into the room I'm in and begins meowing at me...
Austin says, "She wants a dog". Connery gives a long whimper and runs away.
Oh, the ways he entertains himself. I can only imagine how he was as a child. :-)
Easy Homemade Yeast Bread Recipe
5 weeks ago
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